How To Get Old Facebook Chat Back - You love Facebook but you may hate few
of its features, and probably, as to many, the recent roll-out of video
calling feature. With this, Facebook also rolled out a new chat sidebar,
and this is sometime annoying to many.
It is no new that Facebook
sometimes annoy people with its newer design changes. Last time it
annoyed its users with image viewer feature called Facebook Theater
Now, how to get back the old Facebook chat
design which were eye-soothing and people were more comfortable to it
than the newer one. Here is the answer how you can get back the old Facebook chat.
Image Credit : Proknowliz
1) First login into your Facebook account, and then open a new tab. Open below link in the new tab:
Here you will get back the old Facebook chat where the online and offline contacts are sorted out.
However, this is not the perfect solution to it as everytime you have to open the link in a new tab. Below is a better option:
2) Install Greasemonkey script from the below link and restart your browser:
There is one more way for getting back
the old Facebook chat on different browsers. Install the below given
addons on your respective browsers:
Mozilla Firefox -
Opera -
Why people want to go back to old
Facebook chat is a big question if you are not aware of the
disadvantages. Below are the details of disadvantages:
Every time you login into your Facebook account you have to manually disable the Sidebar Chat if you are not liking it.
The new chat only shows list of those contacts of yours with whom you interact most. It shows them even if they are offline. This may be annoying to you sometimes.
Online and offline list of contacts are unordered. It needs to be sorted in manner.
The new chat only shows list of those contacts of yours with whom you interact most. It shows them even if they are offline. This may be annoying to you sometimes.
Online and offline list of contacts are unordered. It needs to be sorted in manner.