Foto Dea Tunggaesti Rawan Jadi Korban Netter Usil - Dea Lahir 26 September 1982 dan ernah bermain di sinetron Malam Pertama, Kisah Adinda, dan Bukan Cinderella masih ingat?. Dea Tunggaesti Pengacara berusia 29 tahun tersebut menyeleaikan kuliah s1 di di Universitas Pelita Harapan dengan gelar sarjana hukum kemudian bergabung dengan OC Kaligis & Associates pada 2007 setelah menyelesaikan studi magister manajemen di Univeritas Gadjah Mada, artinya dia adalah tim pengacara OC Kaligis.
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Foto Dea Tunggaesti Rawan Jadi Korban Netter Usil
Twitter Dea Tunggaesti
Twitter Dea Tunggaesti - Pamornya berkibar di dunia maya. Dalam waktu singkat, akun Twitter dan Facebook-nya diburu orang. Di Twitter ada orang yang membuat akun atas nama dirinya, @deatungga. Akun palsu ini kerap meniru tweet yang dibuatnya. Sekadar informasi, akun asli dea adalah @deatungga_. Hingga tulisan ini dibuat, followers-nya mencapai 2.005 orang.
Di Facebook tak kalah seru. Ribuan notifikasi mampir di laman Facebook Dea Tunggaesti. Ia belum sempat merespon. Ia kini juga punya laman fans. Hingga berita ini dibuat, sudah ada 2.914 Facebooker yang menorehkan jempol (like) di laman itu, mengalahkan laman fans adiknya, Rheisa Kartikasari (Runner Up Putri Indonesia 2010), yang mencatat 2.489 jempol.
Facebook Dea Tunggaesti
Facebook Dea Tunggaesti - Dea Tunggaesti bergabung dengan OC Kaligis & Associates pada 2007, tak lama setelah dia mendapatkan gelar magister manajemen di Univeritas Gadjah Mada. Sebelumnya Dea mendapatkan gelar sarjana hukum di Universitas Pelita Harapan.
"Sejak SMA saya memang tertarik dengan bidang hukum," ujar perempuan yang terinsipirasi oleh serial Ally McBeal ini.
Dea pertama kali muncul di depan media pada Jumat (19/8) pekan lalu. Kala itu perempuan kelahiran 26 September 1982 yang merupakan bawahan dari OC Kaligis, membacakan surat Nazaruddin kepada Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono di kantor KPK, Jl Rasuna Said, Jaksel.
Sejak itu, dalam sepekan terakhir, nama Dea ramai dibicarakan di jejaring sosial Twitter. Ibu muda beranak dua ini jadi perbincangan karena penampilannya.
Link Facebook Dea Tunggaesti
Dea Tunggaesti Berbikini Banyak Di cari
Dea Tunggaesti Berbikini Banyak Di cari - Foto Dea Tunggaesti Berbikini Banyak Di cari para netter.Belum lagi PIN BBM nya yg juga di cari ribuan netter.Tapi netter cenderung mencari Foto Foto Dea Tunggaesti Berbikini.Nama Dea Tunggaesti mendadak tenar setelah sosoknya tampil di televisi sebagai pengacara Muhammad Nazaruddin, tersangka kasus dugaan suap pembangunan wisma atlet SEA Games 2011 di Palembang.Pamornya berkibar di dunia maya. Dalam waktu singkat, akun Twitter dan Facebook-nya diburu orang. Di Twitter ada orang yang membuat akun atas nama dirinya, @deatungga. Akun palsu ini kerap meniru tweet yang dibuatnya. Sekadar informasi, akun asli dea adalah @deatungga_. Hingga tulisan ini dibuat, followers-nya mencapai 2.005 orang.
Di Facebook tak kalah seru. Ribuan notifikasi mampir di laman Facebook-Dea Tunggaesti. Ia belum sempat merespon. Ia kini juga punya laman fans. Hingga berita ini dibuat, sudah ada 2.914 Facebooker yang menorehkan jempol (like) di laman itu, mengalahkan laman fans adiknya, Rheisa Kartikasari (Runner Up Putri Indonesia 2010), yang mencatat 2.489 jempol.
Dea Tunggaesti - Profil Pengacara Cantik Jelita Nazaruddin
Dea Tunggaesti - Profil Pengacara Cantik Jelita Nazaruddin
Sebelum meniti karir sebagai pengacara, Dea sempat icip-icip sebagai bintang iklan, video klip, hingga layar lebar. Saat menempuh pendidikan S1 ia pernah terlibat dalam film layar lebar berjudul “30 Hari Mencari Cinta”. Di film itu ia melakoni pemeran pembantu. Dea juga pernah menjadi model video klip Sheila On 7 "Pejantan Tangguh" dan Kahitna. Selebihnya, Dea lebih banyak menjadi model iklan seperti "Softener Soklin", "Pepsodent", "Macaroni la fonte" dan "Softex".
"Tapi semuanya saya tinggalkan ketika lulus kuliah S-1," kata Dea dalam perbincangan dengan Tribunnews di Jakarta, Kamis (25/8/2011) malam.
Dea menempuh pendidikannya di Sekolah Dasar Siemens di Kelapa Gading. Di kelas 5 SD, dia pindah ke kota apel, Malang, Jawa Timur. Di sana ia bersekolah di SD Santa Maria hingga kelas 2 SMP, lalu kembali ke Jakarta dan bersekolah di Dian Harapan hingga SMU.
UPH Aplikasikan Mobile Campus
UPH Aplikasikan Mobile Campus - Penggunaan layanan data, baik lewat perangkat komputer mobile ataupun smartphone kini sudah meluas. Khusus untuk smartphone, menurut data survey terakhir, pengguna terbanyak adalah dari kalangan usia 18 sampai 24 tahun, atau pelajar sekolah menengah atas sampai mahasiswa.
Melihat fakta tersebut, Telkomsel dan Research In Motion, produsen perangkat BlackBerry, coba menggali potensi yang ada. Salah satunya adalah, dengan menggandeng Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH), mereka menyediakan aplikasi Mobile Campus, yang bisa diakses lewat BlackBerry.
“Aplikasi ini merupakan aplikasi khusus pertama pada platform BlackBerry yang didesain bagi komunitas kampus di Indonesia,” kata Gideon Edie Purnomo, Vice President Channel Management Telkomsel di Karawaci, 5 Agustus 2011.
Layanan aplikasi mobile campus ini, kata Gideon, memudahkan seluruh yang terlibat, terutama mahasiswa, tenaga pengajar, staf, dan orang tua untuk mengikuti perkembangan yang ada di kampus UPH. Termasuk proses belajar mengajar.
“Pada aplikasi itu saat ini sudah ada berbagai macam informasi terkait UPH, mulai dari fasilitas, jadwal kuliah, sampai beberapa materi kuliah tertentu,” kata Reynier Wayong, Direktur Senior IT UPH. “Nantinya, diharapkan aplikasi ini bisa diperluas misalnya untuk mengetahui nilai akademik, hasil ujian siswa, atau melakukan pembayaran kuliah,” ucapnya.
Layanan yang ditawarkan oleh Telkomsel dan Research In Motion ini, kata Reynier, sangat bermanfaat untuk melengkapi fasilitas infrastruktur IT di kampus di mana mahasiswa dapat mengakses lewat komputer atau notebook, lewat ATM (Academic Teller Machine), dan kini lewat BlackBerry.
Apalagi, kata Reynier, dari survey yang dilakukan, dari sekitar 10 ribu mahasiswa UPH saat ini, 90 persen di antaranya merupakan pengguna layanan BlackBerry.
Saat ini aplikasi Mobile Campus yang dikembangkan oleh Better-B, salah satu pengembang aplikasi lokal yang merupakan Telkomsel tersebut sudah dapat diunduh dan digunakan secara cuma-cuma lewat handset BlackBerry.
Posted by
cinta kamu
7:13 AM
BlackBerry Bold,
BlackBerry Bold 9900,
Blackberry CDMA,
blackberry emoticon,
BlackBerry Music
PostSecret : Aplikasi Untuk Saling Berbagi Rahasia
PostSecret : Aplikasi Untuk Saling Berbagi Rahasia.Sejak 2004, PostSecret menerima lebih dari kiriman 300 ribu rahasia melalui kartu pos.Teknologi digital menyebabkan manusia yang hidup di abad 21 semakin rajin berbagi (sharing). Bahkan, jika sebelumnya Anda bisa berbagi pikiran, foto, dan tautan favorit melalui media sosial, kini Anda bisa berbagi rahasia secara digital.
Bagi pengguna iPhone, rahasia itu bisa di-share dengan orang lain melalui perangkat mobile. Aplikasi ini akan diluncurkan pada bulan September mendatang.
Konsep ini menindaklanjuti kesuksesan blog dan buku PostSecret. Selain dipasang di iPhone, aplikasi ini juga akan segera dipasang di smartphone berbasis Android.
Menurut laman Mashable, sejak tahun 2004, PostSecret telah menerima lebih dari kiriman 300 ribu rahasia melalui kartu pos dari pengirim anonim. Sebentar lagi, dengan peluncuran aplikasi PostSecret yang dilengkapi tautan video, Anda bisa berbagi rahasia secara digital, menemukan pikiran yang selama ini dirahasikan pengguna lain, dan bereaksi terhadap mareka.
"Untuk pertama kalinya, para pembagi rahasia akan saling terkoneksi secara digital, menunjukkan dukungan, atau berkenalan dengan seseorang yang rahasianya bisa membuat mereka penasaran, tertawa, atau menangis," demikian diterangkan PostSecret.
PostSecret telah memiliki pengikut besar, yang mungkin akan membantu aplikasi ini berhasil, yaitu lebih dari 1 juta fans Facebook, 420.000 followers di Twitter, 500.000 penerima email, dan 4,1 juta pengunjung khusus ke blog PostSecret.
Biaya untuk aplikasi bagi-bagi rahasia ini adalah US$1,99 atau sekitar Rp 18 ribu.
Blackberry Playbook 4G Release Date
Blackberry Playbook 4G Release Date - U.S. telco attributes decision to lack of demand from business customers.
Sprint Nextel Corp. has abandoned plans to sell a version of the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet that runs on its high-speed network, citing a lack of demand from business customers.
The decision is a setback to Research In Motion Ltd. and comes at a difficult time for the company, which has seen its stock price tumble nearly 60% this year as sales of its signature phones have been losing ground to competitors.
Sprint's reversal means the device hasn't yet found any support from the three largest U.S. wireless carriers, which includes AT&T Inc. and Verizon Wireless. Without their backing, RIM will have to bear the burden of sales and marketing support for the device, as well as application development.
Click here to find out more!Sprint had said in January it would sell a version of the device as soon as this summer that would run on its fourth-generation network. The carrier said this week that those plans had been halted because the market for tablets has became too crowded.
"It's an interesting concept, it just hasn't caught on with business customers as much as they would like," said Paget Alves, president of Sprint's business markets group."There are so many tablets in the market, it creates confusion for the average customer."
A Sprint spokeswoman added that the decision "has no impact on our relationship with RIM." The Overland Park, Kan., company noted that competing tablets, such as the Xoom from Motorola Mobility Holding Inc. and the Evo View from HTC Corp., had increased competition in the space.
RIM said in a statement Friday that it was focusing its development efforts on the 4G technology known as long-term evolution, favored by AT&T and Verizon Wireless."Testing of BlackBerry 4G PlayBook models is already under way," the company said, adding that it planned to have U.S. and international carriers test it in the fall.
RIM shares rose 1.6% Friday to $24.56, and Sprint advanced 2.6% to $3.20.
RIM co-Chief Executive Mike Lazaridis said as recently as June that the company would offer a version of the PlayBook this summer enabled for the 4G WiMax network Sprint uses through partner Clearwire Corp.
The Waterloo, Ontario-based company launched the PlayBook in April with the aim of luring new customers as sales of BlackBerry smartphones grew more slowly. Since then, RIM has had to contend with tepid reviews, a small recall and an inability for it to connect to some email accounts.
RIM reported it shipped 500,000 Wi-Fi-only PlayBooks in its fiscal 2012 first quarter in North America. By contrast, Apple said it sold 9.3 million iPads in the June-ended quarter, and Motorola recorded 440,000 deliveries of its Xoom tablet.
The Wi-Fi-only version of the Playbook is available through Sprint, Best Buy Co., RadioShack Corp. and Office Depot Inc. RIM also sells the tablet in Australia, Germany and Indonesia, among other countries.
Click here to find out more!Verizon Wireless, which is co-owned by Verizon Communications Inc. and Vodafone Group PLC, is still evaluating the PlayBook and hasn't determined if it will sell it through its network, a spokeswoman said. An AT&T spokesman said the carrier still plans to offer the device on its network but hasn't yet set a date for doing so.
Rival device-makers have had little success so far in catching up to Apple after its launch of the iPad in April 2010. Estimates vary, but analysts suggest Apple has two-thirds of the market, if not more. In an attempt to close the gap, Hewlett-Packard Co. this week made permanent a $100 price cut, to $399, for its least-expensive TouchPad tablets.
Demand for tablets is seen rising. Research firm IDC in July boosted its worldwide tablet computer shipments forecast to 53.5 million this year, from a previous 50.4 million estimate, even as deliveries of the devices dropped 28% in this year's first three months.
Sources :
Apple, AT&T reportedly working on LTE iPhone
Apple, AT&T reportedly working on LTE iPhone - A round-up of the latest rumours over Apple's forthcoming products, including LTE device and cloud-specific phone.
Amidst endless rumours surrounding the launch of the eagerly-anticipated iPhone 5, a report this week that AT&T is installing LTE network equipment in one of Apple's U.S. retail outlets reignited talk of an LTE version of the handset.
Engadget reported on Tuesday that it had received from an unnamed source a photo of LTE equipment newly-installed in a major Apple store. The kit in question supports the 700 MHz and AWS (3G) spectrum bands; AT&T plans to use those bands for its LTE rollout, following the closure of its T-Mobile USA acquisition.
Engadget has since removed the image from its site at the request of the source.
The story comes just a day after Boy Genius Report said it had discovered that telecoms operators are testing iPhone models with LTE capability. BGR published evidence of an iOS test build from an Apple carrier partner with LTE references contained in the firmware.
Of course, neither report shows how close we are to the release of an LTE-capable iPhone, but both prove that Apple and its partners are thinking ahead.
Meanwhile, an announcement on the forthcoming iPhone 5 – which may or may not be an LTE device – is thought to be imminent.
Various news outlets have this week staked their claim to a particular date, with some expecting to see the latest iPhone next month, others not until October. Speculation has been fuelled by reports of retail outlets cutting iPhone prices and making room for new stock.
Interestingly, specialist publication Apple 'N' Apps claimed late last week that Apple will announce two new devices in the near future: the iPhone 5 and a cheaper iCloud iPhone, aimed at those who will use Apple's cloud storage platform rather than storing lots of content on the handset itself. iCloud is due to launch alongside iOS 5, later this year.
However, it appears customers will have to wait for the next iPad.
According to Taiwan-based English-language publication DigiTimes, supply chain issues in Asia could impact on Apple's ability to mass-produce the device and potentially lead to a delay in its launch. The Website reported that the iPad 3 was due to launch in the second half of this year.
Anticipation over new Apple products is high as dates are drawn in the sand. But with no comment from the company itself, the industry will just have to wait and see.
sources :
Virgin Media CEO confirms plans for free London WiFi
Virgin Media CEO confirms plans for free London WiFi - Neil Berkett in 'advanced conversations' with borough councils on rolling out metro WiFi network.
Virgin Media chief executive Neil Berkett has confirmed that the broadband, TV and mobile provider plans to deploy a free-to-use metro WiFi network in London.
"There are very few things I take a punt on as a business person – it's probably one of them," he said during Virgin Media's recent investor presentation.
Berkett said the company is in "advanced conversations" with a number of London borough councils over rolling out a public WiFi network. Plans are still in the early stages, but Berkett said one proposition being considered would take the form of free wireless Internet access to all consumers at connection speeds of half a megabit per second, while Virgin Media's customers would be able to access the network at speeds of up to 10 Mbps.
Berkett is optimistic that the London-wide WiFi network will start rolling out "in the not-too-distant future".
"We may consider speaking to one of the MNOs about wholesaling that as an activity," he added.
The move is part of the company's aim to make better use of its broadband infrastructure, which Berkett said is under-utilised during the day when most of its customers are out of the home.
He admitted that the deployment of a free metro WiFi network won't be much of a cash-flow contributor to Virgin Media, but insisted the move is in line with the company's ethos of investing in the advancement of peoples' digital lifestyle.
"I'm quite excited about it," said Berkett. "It's a few million pounds... but I think it is a real opportunity if you think about the gap that is increasingly occurring between consumers' need for data outside the home and what they can get on 3G."
The move ramps up competition with incumbent telco BT, which has been aggressively building out its Openzone WiFi hotspots. The company offers a range of different ways to pay for access to its 2.8 million hotspots, such as per-minute charging, and a £5 monthly subscription.
Meanwhile O2 already offers free public WiFi access to its U.K. customers via its partnership with WiFi operator The Cloud, which was acquired by BSkyB back in January.
Sources :
London Free Wifi Map
London Free Wifi Map - Free Wi-Fi Map of Central London ...Who says nothing comes for free? Time Out crosses London to find the pubs, bars, cafés and restaurants that offer free wi-fi
The Wifi Cloud is pretty much all around us but I've found that many 'open' and free spots require purchase of a very over-priced and poor quality coffee (yeah, you, Starbucks) clogging your arteries (McDonalds) or buying alcohol (Wetherspoons).
But in Central London, the cloud is far more open and works better.This map from Time Out shows just some fast, open and truly free Central London locations you can access from the street (and 50 yards either way).
View London's free wi-fi guide in a larger map
Update: found another good London Wi-Fi map here.
The Wifi Cloud is pretty much all around us but I've found that many 'open' and free spots require purchase of a very over-priced and poor quality coffee (yeah, you, Starbucks) clogging your arteries (McDonalds) or buying alcohol (Wetherspoons).
But in Central London, the cloud is far more open and works better.This map from Time Out shows just some fast, open and truly free Central London locations you can access from the street (and 50 yards either way).
View London's free wi-fi guide in a larger map
Update: found another good London Wi-Fi map here.
London Free wifi 2012
London Free wifi 2012 - UK ISP Virgin Media has revealed that it’s currently in advanced talks to launch a free London-wide WiFi network.
According to a report in today’s Telegraph newspaper, Virgin Media’s Chief Executive Neil Berkett has told investors that the company was in “quite advanced negotiations” with London councils over the plans, noting that a roll-out could happen in the near future.
It’s thought that Virgin Media’s ‘free WiFi access for all’ would be available to anyone at speeds of 0.5Mbps, which is at the lower end of the broadband speed spectrum, but those who are signed up to Virgin Media at home, will enjoy speeds of up 10Mbps.
This is in contrast to BT’s Openzone network, which is free to BT home broadband customers, but can cost up to £6 for 90 minutes’ for non-subscribers.
Interestingly, Berkett referred to the plans as “a punt”, that will cost them a few million pounds. But this punt could well pay off, if customers are promised free high-speed WiFi access across the UK capital simply by subscribing to a home broadband package.
He also insinuated that this could simply be a stop-gap, given that 3G mobile broadband still isn’t up to scratch for many users, and 4G networks are still likely to be a few years away.
As the Telegraph reports, Virgin Media is planning to install WiFi routers as part of its existing infrastructure, and the on-going talks with local London councils are about obtaining permission for the necessary works to be carried out.
Esia Blackberry CDMA Provider
Esia Blackberry CDMA Provider - PT Resarch In Motion (RIM) Indonesia merangkul AHA dari Bakrie Connectivity untuk menghadirkan BlackBerry (BB) CDMA koneksi internet cepat.
Dengan kerjasama ini, kini pengguna di Indonesia bisa menikmati jaringan cepat EVDO dari AHA melalui BlackBerry dari anak usaha Bakrie tersebut.
"Melalui kerjasama ini, kini pengguna BB bisa menikmati koneksi internet yang lebih cepat 77 kali dari GPRS biasa," ujar Erik Meijer, Direktur Utama PT Bakrie Connectivity, di Jakarta, Sabtu (16/4/2011).
Erik menyatakan bahwa BlackBerry yang menggunakan layanan AHA merupakan solusi internet cepat bagi pengguna Blackberry. "Sebelumnya banyak pengguna BlackBerry yang malu, karena layanan internet-nya sangat lamban," katanya.
Ketika ditanya alasan mengapa Bconnect bekerjasama dengan RIM untuk layanan ini, Erik menjawab karena pengguna BlackBerry di Indonesia sangat besar dan pertumbuhannya sangat stabil. Selain itu juga karena pengguna Esia yang besar di Indonesia.
"Melalui layanan ini pengguna Esia bisa memindahkan layanannya ke dalam perangkat BlackBerry," jelasnya.
Erik juga menjelaskan kalau saat ini distribusi BlackBerry AHA baru fokus untuk wilayah Jakarta dan Bandung, dengan ketersediaan produk yang baru sebanyak 3 ribu unit. Untuk saat ini jenis BlackBerry yang dijadikan produk pertama layanan ini adalah BlackBerry Curve 8530. Ponsel tersebut dijual seharga Rp.1.999.000 untuk 500 orang pertama pengguna Esia, sedangkan harga normalnya adalah Rp.3,8 juta.
"Kerjasama AHA dengan RIM dimulai sejak 9 bulan yang lalu. Waktu tersebut kami gunakan untuk mengujicoba jaringan, tes perangkat, dan lain-lain," ungkap Erik.
Erik mengatakan kalau jenis BlackBerry lainnya untuk layanan ini akan hadir dalam beberapa bulan ke depan.
"Saat ini kami sedang berdiskusi dengan pihak RIM untuk menjajaki produk-produk BlackBerry lainnya untuk layanan ini," tutupnya.
Paket BlackBerry Unlimited Roaming Axis Hadir di 13 Negara
Paket BlackBerry Unlimited Roaming Axis Hadir di 13 Negara - Satu demi satu akhirnya operator selular di Indonesia, mulai memperkenalkan layanan tarif BlackBerry unlimited internasionalnya di sejumlah negara. Yang terbaru, paket ini ditawarkan oleh operator Axis.
Axis memperkenalkan paket unlimited layanan BlackBerry AXIS jelajah internasional (international roaming) dengan tarif hemat hanya Rp49.000 per hari di 13 negara tujuan wisata maupun bisnis.
Pelanggan akan menikmati layanan yang berkualitas melalui kerjasama AXIS dengan mitra operator terdepan, seperti Starhub di Singapura, AT&T di Amerika Serikat, Maxis di Malaysia, STC di Arab Saudi, dan sebagainya.
"Di antara pengguna layanan BlackBerry AXIS ini banyak yang sering bepergian, tidak hanya di dalam negeri tapi juga ke luar negeri, baik untuk liburan maupun untuk kebutuhan pekerjaan. AXIS memahami kebutuhan layanan BlackBerry untuk dapat digunakan di luar negeri, dan memenuhi kebutuhan ini bahkan dengan memberikan tarif terjangkau hanya Rp49.000 per hari,” terang Syakieb A. Sungkar, Direktur Sales Axis, seperti dilansir melalui keterangan resminya, Selasa (5/7/2011).
Paket unlimited layanan BlackBerry AXIS jelajah internasional ini dapat digunakan selama 24 jam sehari, dan tidak diperpanjang secara otomatis. Pelanggan dapat mengaktifkannya lagi apabila diperlukan. Paket unlimited dapat digunakan oleh semua pelanggan layanan BlackBerry AXIS aktif untuk akses ke internet, BlackBerry Messenger, menerima dan mengirim email, akses ke jejaring sosial, serta aplikasi lain yang menggunakan APN
elanjutnya, pelanggan dapat menekan *123*4*4# OK untuk mengaktifkan Paket Unlimited Layanan BlackBerry Jelajah Internasional ini. Paket berlaku di jaringan mitra operator AXIS
Berikut jaringan mitra Axis di beberapa negara, (AT&T)Amerika Serikat, (AVEA) Turki, (Starhub) Singapura, (Cell C) Afrika Selatan, (STC) Arab Saudi, (Viva) Kuwait, (Maxis) Malaysia, (Viva) Bahrain, (AIS) Thailand, (MTN) Sri Lanka, (Aircel) India, (Cellcom) Israel, (Etisalat) Uni Emirat Arab.
Posted by
cinta kamu
3:12 PM
BlackBerry Music,
blackberry smiley,
BlackBerry Unlimited Roaming,
Nvidia Tablet Super Cepat
Nvidia Tablet Super Cepat - Raja tablet iPad (Apple) harus siap menghadapi tekanan Android yang semakin kuat. Apalagi, tablet Android dengan performa tinggi siap meluncur ke pasaran, akhir tahun ini.
Pihak Nvidia mengklaim tablet dengan chip quad-core Kal-El bakal dirilis dalam waktu dekat. "Tablet dengan dukungan Kal-El akan meluncur pada musim gugur ini, serta pada perhelatan CES 2012 untuk lini ponsel," demikian pernyataan Nvidia kepada Cnet, Senin (15/9/2011).
Seperti diketahui, prosesor keluaran Nvidia menjadi yang paling populer untuk tablet Android Honeycomb seperti halnya Motorola Xoom, Samsung Galaxy 10.1, Toshiba Thrive dan Acer Iconia Tab A500. Tablet-tablet Sony di masa mendatang kabarnya juga bakal menggunakan chip Tegra.
Kal-El sendiri merupakan wujud 'kecil' dari GeForce 12-core GPU dan mampu menampilkan video kualitas HD secara 'ekstrim'. "Prosesor generasi terbaru kami, Kal-El, memiliki desain yang sangat kuat. Kami juga berhubungan baik dengan Google. Jadi setelah chip Kal-El siap diproduksi, kami akan ‘berlari’ (di pasar ini)," cetus CEO Nvidia Jen-Hsun Huang.
Satu hal yang menjadi kekhawatiran dari penggunaan prosesor super cepat ini adalah konsumsi daya yang sangat besar. Namun Huang menepis kecemasan itu. "Kal-El memiliki performa yang lebih baik dibandingkan Tegra 2, tapi dengan konsumsi daya lebih kecil," jelasnya.
"Sangat sedikit orang yang menyadari bahwa Kal-El mengkonsumsi daya lebih kecil dibandingkan Tegra 2 di segala aspek," lanjut Huang.
Motorola disebut sebagai calon kuat pengguna prosesor ini di tablet-tabletnya mendatang. Spekulasi itu mencuat setelah CEO Sanjay Jha sempat menyatakan bahwa pihaknya akan mengeluarkan tablet yang "jauh lebih agresif" akhir tahun nanti. Selain Motorola, Asus juga disinyalir sebagai kandidat pengguna Nvidia Kal-El.
Nokia C2-03, Ponsel Dual Sim Rp899 Ribu
Nokia C2-03, Ponsel Dual Sim Rp899 Ribu - Harga dan spesifikasi Nokia C2-03 Sangat Murah.Nokia Indonesia kembali mengeluarkan seri ketiga dari ponsel dual-simnya. Sesuai dengan serinya ponsel ini dinamai C2-03 touch & type.
C2-03 touch dan type merupakan generasi ketiga dari posel dual sim yang dimiliki Nokia. Ini merupakan penyempurna dari C2-00 yang merupakan seri pertama dan X1-01 sebagai seri yang kedua yang diluncurkan pada Juli lalu. Peluncuran ini ialah salah satu komitmen Nokia dalam kategori ponsel fitur. Dengan menghadirkan berbagai inovasi yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas bagi para konsumen.
Nokia berniat memberikan pengalaman yang paling mudah dan intuitif, tanpa mengurangi fitur dan kesenangan serta menciptakan standar baru dalam dunia Dual Sim, dimana semuanya itu menjadi satu paket yang hadir dengan harga yang terjangkau.
Indonesia merupakan salah satu pasar ponsel dual sim yang sangat konsumtif. Sebelumnya pasar Indonesia didominasi oleh ponsel dual sim merek lokal. Merek lokal banyak memberikan kualitas yang kurang baik. Disini Nokia hadir untuk memberikan solusi terbaik dengan menghasilkan teknologi baru guna meningkatkan kualitas dan memberikan pilihan kepada konsumen yang lebih baik.
"Sejak bulan Juli lalu, Nokia sudah mengeluarkan ponsel dual sim. Dengan keberhasilan penjualan pada dua seri sebelumnya. Kami yakin produk terbaru ini juga bisa mengikuti keberhasilan tersebut, ditambah konsumen di Indonesia saat ini membutuhkan suatu ponsel Dual Sim yang lebih berkualitas," ujar Lukman Susetio, Head of Marketing Nokia Indonesia, di Plaza Bapindo, Rabu (3/8/2011).
Nokia C2-03 touch & type yang mengusung teknologi Easy Swap atau lebih dikenal dengan gonta ganti Sim card tanpa harus mematikan ponsel. Selain itu ponsel ini juga dilengkapi dengan Nokia Browser untuk akses internet yang jauh lebih baik dibanding browser pada umumnya. Pasalnya browser ini bisa mengkompres data hingga 90 persen jadi bisa lebih cepat. Layanan ini juga disertai homescreen yang memeberikan akses mudah ke aplikasi dan konten lokal, okezone merupakan salah satunya.
Sesuai dengan namanya, ponsel ini dilengkapi denga layar touch screen QVGA 2,6 inci dan juga keypad type, yang memeberikan kenyamanan pengguna. Kemudian ponsel ini dilengkapi kamera 2 MP, MMC 2GB, dan ada aplikasi Nokia Maps yang terbaru pada perangkat Nokia.
Ponsel ini dilengkapi dengan dua pilihan warna yaitu Golden White dan Chrome Black dan dibandrol seharga Rp899,000.
"Dengan teknologi yang lebih baik, perusahaan yakin produk terbarunya ini akan mendapatkan penjualan yang baik, mengingat harganya juga sangat terjangkau bagi konsumen Indonesia,"pungkasnya.
Nokia 500, Smartphone Murah dengan Prosesor 1GHz
Nokia 500, Smartphone Murah Prosesor 1GHz - Harga dan spesifikasi Nokia 500.Nokia meluncurkan ponsel Nokia 500, sebuah smartphone entry-level dengan layar sentuh yang hadir dengan kualitas dan kinerja perangkat yang luar biasa.
Sebagai ponsel untuk menengah, Nokia 500 sudah dibenamkan dengan prosesor berkecepatan 1GHz, kamera 5MP, pengalaman luar biasa dalam menikmati musik dan hiburan, juga peta dan navigasi“turn by turn”.Sebagai anggota terbaru dalam jajaran perangkat Nokia berbasis Symbian, Nokia 500 didukung sistem operasi Symbian Anna, yang menawarkan pengalaman terbaru bagi penggunanya serta fitur perangkat lunak yang telah ditingkatkan, web browser yang lebih cepat dan Ovi Maps versi terbaru.
“Hingga saat ini, smartphone dengan harga terjangkau sering dikategorikan sebagai perangkat dengan kualitas rendah dan menawarkan pengalaman pengguna dibawah standar,” ujar Ilari Nurmi, Vice President Nokia, seperti dilansir melalui keterangan resminya, Selasa (2/8/2011).
“Ini adalah salah satu contoh bahwa Nokia melanjutkan komitmennya untuk terus berinovasi dalam rangkaian produk smartphone kami dan sebagai contoh bagaimana Symbian dapat terus mendukung Nokia dalam memenuhi kebutuhan utama pasar dalam tahun-tahun mendatang,” tambahnya.
Nokia 500 hadir dengan pre loaded aplikasi musik dan hiburan terbaik seperti Shazam Encore, Gig Finder, Lonely Planet dan Michelin guides.
Smartphone entry-level ini juga menonjolkan akses ke teknologi peta terbaru dari Nokia dan optimalisasi jejaring sosial sehingga para pengguna dapat check-in dengan mudah di lokasi manapun di seluruh dunia. Navigasi suara untuk pejalan kaki dan berkendara-secara offline di lebih dari 80 negara untuk membantu menghindari roaming biaya data yang besar.
Nokia 500 tersedia pada kuartal ketiga 2011 dengan warna hitam dan selanjutnya diikuti dengan warna putih pada akhir tahun. Keduanya akan hadir dengan dua casing belakang yang dapat ditukar.
Casing dengan warna beragam dan desain akan hadir tahun ini. Nokia 500 akan dipasarkan dengan kisaran harga EUR 150 sebelum pajak dan subsidi.
iPad 3 Release Date
iPad 3 Release Date - Apple rumored to preparing initial production for the latest generation of the iPad in October 2011.The Wall Street Journal mentions that Cupertino has provided major components such as screen panels and chip would be ready before the launch of the iPad debut, 3 early planned in 2012.
As quoted from TG Daily, Saturday (8/8/2011), the latest generation of the iPad tablet is expected to be a Deluxe has a high resolution images, i.e. x 2048 resolution compared with 1,514 iPad 2 is currently the only 1,024 x 768 pixels.Image resolution in these 3 iPad approaching the best image quality on LCD devices have an Apple Cinema Display with a resolution of 2560 x 1,440 mega pixels.
As indicated, the WSJ reports seem to AppleInsider is used to confirm the analysis previously expressed Ming-Chi Kuo from Concord Securities.
Even though Kuo was not sure whether iPad sales 3 really will succeed in international markets, but he also noted if the tablet is going to be displaying IPS panel 9.7 inches with FFS technology (fringe-field switching), which allows a broader perspective and visual quality of the more obvious, although it was under direct sunlight.
Indeed, the iPad 3 capable of showing the effect of high density (HD). While most likely applications will be optimized to show photos, text and other content with display of detail and sharp.
Streaming Music on Blackberry Messenger
Streaming Music on Blackberry Messenger - Research In Motion may soon launch its own music streaming service which can be accessed through various devices BlackbBerry.
This new service is presumably RIM efforts improve services BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) in order to compete with other mobile platforms such as Cisco iOS from Apple Inc. and Google's Android. So Reuters alerts, Friday (2/8/2011).
RIM rumored to middle of the final stage of negotiating with some of the major music labels, including Universal Music Group, Sony Music, Warner Music Group and EMI Music Group. The district, this new service will be announced on 5 September, coinciding with labor day in the United States.
RIM does keep doing development with respect to the service of his FUEL, considering it is one of the key strength of iPhone and Android phones face the growing control of the global smartphone market.
Avian Securities analyst Matthew Thornton is little doubt that this music streaming service will lure many users are new to the BlackBerry. Even so, these services can help the users to remain faithful to the BlackBerry device.
"I think it is an attempt to emulate the Apple will not be able to change the situation that happened to them (RIM)," says Thornton.
"If RIM (want to change the situation facing the middle), the key one is product-based OS7, after that we could talk QNX and do transisinya," imbuh Thornton.
It has also been done with the RIM of new device launches with latest operating system, the BlackBerry Bold (9900/9930) as well as three newer model BlackBerry Torch (9810, 9850 and 9860).
Meanwhile, the first BlackBerry with a QNX-based code name ' Colt ', his plans go in the first quarter of 2012.
Posted by
cinta kamu
2:51 PM
BBM Music,
BlackBerry Bold,
BlackBerry Bold 9900,
blackberry emoticon
BlackBerry Music Messenger
BlackBerry Music - Research In Motion (RIM) dikabarkan tengah menyiapkan layanan musik yang berbasis di BlackBerry Music Messenger. Beberapa pengamat rencana ini merupakan lompatan bagi RIM untuk layanan pasar musik.
Menurut sumber penggiat gadget Jfruhlinger dalam blognya, RIM diperkirakan akan membanderol USD5 per bulan untuk 50 lagu. Mereka juga dapat membagi musiknya tersebut ke pengguna BlackBerry lainnya.
"Mereka akan mendapatkan 50 lagu di BlackBerry-nya dengan hanya membayar USD5. Selain itu cukup menambah USD10 pengguna akan mendapatkan unlimited lagu. Uniknya lagu-lagu ini yang didistribusikan melalui BBM, dapat juga digunakan untuk ringtone," tulis Jfruhlinger, seperti dikutip Slashdot, Minggu (21/8/2011).
RIM sendiri dikabarkan tengah melakukan negosiasi tahap akhir dengan beberapa label musik besar, termasuk Universal Music Group, Sony Music, Warner Music Group serta EMI Music Group. Disinyalir, layanan baru ini bakal diumumkan pada 5 September, bertepatan dengan Hari Buruh di Amerika Serikat.
RIM memang terus melakukan pengembangan terhadap layanan BBM-nya, mengingat itu merupakan salah satu kunci kekuatannya menghadapi iPhone dan ponsel Android yang kian menguasai pasar smartphone global.
BBM Music disebut sebagai layanan yang akan memungkinkan pengguna BlackBerry untuk berbagi musik dan playlist dengan teman-teman mereka. Kami tidak tahu bagaimana hal itu bekerja, tetapi BBM Musik dikatakan memiliki integrasi yang mendalam dengan BlackBerry Messenger.
Posted by
cinta kamu
2:48 PM
BBM Music,
BlackBerry Bold,
BlackBerry Bold 9900,
blackberry emoticon,
BlackBerry Music,
blackberry smiley
How To Follow Facebook Pages Secretly
How To Follow Facebook Pages Secretly - Tricks to follow Facebook Pages Secretly :
The first thing to do is to navigate the Facebook page that you want to follow secretly. Remember, the page should have a ‘Wall’ so that
the updates of it comes your way. Usually, most of the organizations, either medium or large, do have a ‘Wall’ on their Facebook page.
Scroll down the Facebook page that you desire to follow secretly and find “Subscribe via RSS”. It will be on the left sidebar between
‘Create a Page’ and ‘Report Page’.
Third :
Simply right-click on ‘Subscribe via RSS’ link. Some browser may have command-click instead of right-click. Select there ‘Copy link address’ or its equivalent of your browser.
Now go to your favorite RSS reader such as Google Reader and paste the link in the ‘Add new subscription’ field. Many people don’t have RSS reader. Making one is very simple. If you want to have Google Reader, simply on any Google account page such as Gmail and there you have the option of Google Reader.
The first thing to do is to navigate the Facebook page that you want to follow secretly. Remember, the page should have a ‘Wall’ so that
the updates of it comes your way. Usually, most of the organizations, either medium or large, do have a ‘Wall’ on their Facebook page.
Scroll down the Facebook page that you desire to follow secretly and find “Subscribe via RSS”. It will be on the left sidebar between
‘Create a Page’ and ‘Report Page’.
Third :
Simply right-click on ‘Subscribe via RSS’ link. Some browser may have command-click instead of right-click. Select there ‘Copy link address’ or its equivalent of your browser.
Now go to your favorite RSS reader such as Google Reader and paste the link in the ‘Add new subscription’ field. Many people don’t have RSS reader. Making one is very simple. If you want to have Google Reader, simply on any Google account page such as Gmail and there you have the option of Google Reader.
How To Keep Facebook Newsfeed Clean
How To Keep Facebook Newsfeed Clean - Facebook
feed may sometimes be irritating to you. You may not be wanting the
feeds as per your wish. What you do then? Here are few tips what to do
to keep the Facebook feed clean as per your requirement.
First click on the “Most Recent” option
in the News Feed. This will enable the real-time viewing of all the
activities of your friends. Anyway, Facebook shows here only activities
posts of those friends with whom you interact the most. Now you can
change this setting. Go to the ‘Edit Options’ of ‘Most Recent’ and then click on ‘Show posts from all of your friends and pages.’
This will enable viewing all the activities of all friends and pages as
it happens. Well, this may be little hectic for you. Here is how you
can refine further this view.
You can hide your friends from the feed.
If you don’t want someones updates like Italian pizza is awesome! or
Lolz m cracking up, simply hide such person from the feed. Simply hover
your mouse over any update of the person and click on the Cross icon.
You can hide only one update or all of the updates of the person or
page. The contact will never come to know about it. Isn’t this is too
much interesting.
You can also hide the same way in applications such as FarmVille or Twitter.
Now, filter the feeds or posts by category you choose. Go to ‘Most Recent’ and from the option you just filter the feed as – by photos, by links, by status updates, and more.
Suppose you want to have the feeds of
limited people and not all such as only the activities of your family
members or school buddies. Just go to Account at right top corner and
click on Edit Friends. There you have an option ‘Create a List’. Submit
title list there and select the contacts whose news feed you want to see
on your wall. After doing it, go back to the ‘Most Recent’ and there
you will see the friends list. It will be at the bottom of the
drop-down. Click on it and you are done.
Here you can play one more trick. You can put all the brands and media pages into a list and then through RSS of the Facebook you can get the updates on your reader such as Google Reader.
Read more:
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
How To Get Old Facebook Chat Back
How To Get Old Facebook Chat Back - You love Facebook but you may hate few
of its features, and probably, as to many, the recent roll-out of video
calling feature. With this, Facebook also rolled out a new chat sidebar,
and this is sometime annoying to many.
It is no new that Facebook
sometimes annoy people with its newer design changes. Last time it
annoyed its users with image viewer feature called Facebook Theater
Now, how to get back the old Facebook chat
design which were eye-soothing and people were more comfortable to it
than the newer one. Here is the answer how you can get back the old Facebook chat.
1) First login into your Facebook account, and then open a new tab. Open below link in the new tab:
Here you will get back the old Facebook chat where the online and offline contacts are sorted out.
However, this is not the perfect solution to it as everytime you have to open the link in a new tab. Below is a better option:
2) Install Greasemonkey script from the below link and restart your browser:
There is one more way for getting back
the old Facebook chat on different browsers. Install the below given
addons on your respective browsers:
Mozilla Firefox -
Opera -
Why people want to go back to old
Facebook chat is a big question if you are not aware of the
disadvantages. Below are the details of disadvantages:
Every time you login into your Facebook account you have to manually disable the Sidebar Chat if you are not liking it.
The new chat only shows list of those contacts of yours with whom you interact most. It shows them even if they are offline. This may be annoying to you sometimes.
Online and offline list of contacts are unordered. It needs to be sorted in manner.
The new chat only shows list of those contacts of yours with whom you interact most. It shows them even if they are offline. This may be annoying to you sometimes.
Online and offline list of contacts are unordered. It needs to be sorted in manner.
Codes Emoticons Blackberry
Codes Emoticons Blackberry - Simple and use emoticons gives you. Tava smiley s easy to aces and emoticonsebooks download and use emoticons. Converts excel spreadsheet database. Faces for bbm emoticon sign. Descargar wash app out there!, awesome and access codes. Easy freeware downloads by codes blackberry 9700 blackberry ini. Mocospace color codes tabs. Bbm usage x 9800 os6_9 rar; easy makes the video. Smilies i codecs social and access codes download smiley downloads at. Used bolt as often since blackberry.
Blackberry Messenger Advantages:
The users of Blackberry messenger have found it an easy tool to get in touch with peers, colleagues and families. The messenger can help you get the business transaction go at a pace more than normal, to send and receives quick feedback’s and responses with connected parties. The messenger service has eradicated the conventional process of making an account and signing up but just downloading the application for the phone and adding up the relevant people in contact’s list that incurs entering a PIN code or emailing the messenger users. The new users of messenger or one who don’t have the messenger installed can have its installation link on blackberry website where they can know the easy installation process and other specifications to use it.
Posted by
cinta kamu
2:37 PM
BlackBerry Bold 9900,
blackberry emoticon,
blackberry smiley
List of Emoticons on iPhone 4 and meaning
List of Emoticons on iPhone 4 and meaning - Here you can find an alphabetic list of Emoticons on iPhone 4 and meaning
Here you can find an alphabetic list of Emoticons on iPhone 4 and meaning
abnormal (%-w)
Abraham Lincoln =):-)=
alien ( <> .. <> )
angel 0:-) or O:-)
angel with glasses O8-)
angry (:-& or >:-< or :-||
annoyed >:-(
anxious 8-[
anyway <--I-->
aside comment :-Y
ask dumb question <:-)
asleep |-| or |I
astonished :C or :-C or 8-O
atom bomb @==
baby ~:o
back to back ][
bad boy d:- \
bandaid, comfort (::()::)
beatup (in a fight) %+{
black eye ?( or ?-(
black eye (angry) ;-(
blowing a kiss :-{}
bored :|
breasts (boobs) ( o )( o )
brain-dead %-6
clown *<|:-)
clowning :*)
cold (flu) :~)
cold or flu :-~|
confused :~/ or %-(
cow 3:o
cowboy <):)
crying ;( or :,( or :.( or :\'
crying :\'( or :\'-( or T_T
crying :\'( or :\'-( or T_T
curly hair ~:o)
devil ]:->
devil - happy ]:-) or >:-)
devilish <:->
devil wink >-) or >->
mischievous devil >:->
'lil devil >:)
death 8-#
deja vu :-| :-|
disappointed :-e or :e
donut (o)
dull :|
dunce <:-| or <:-(
drunk %*}
dozen roses 12x@>--->---
egghead (:|
Elvis 5:-) or ~:-\ or ~:\
exhausted :-6
eyes popping out of head Q_Q
face to face }{
fasten your seatbelt ===[]===
female O+ or >-
flame (inflammatory message) ~==
flame message ~:-(
flame message - hot ~~:-(
french kiss P* or :Pd:
Frankenstein [:-|
frown :-(
frustrated }: [
funny :-D
funny, not :/)
furious >>:-<< or >-<
giggles ^ ^ ^
glass empty \_/
glass full \~/
graduate (high-school, college) Q:-)
grin (big) =^D
happy :^D
having a hard time :{
hats off to you d :-o
hear no evil :X
heavy metal music \m/
Homer Simpson ( 8(|) or ~(8^(0)
hug [] or ()
hugs ((()))
hugs and kisses (( )):**
hung over #-) or %-\
high five ^5
just died X-(
indifferent :-|
infinity 8
In Our Humble Opinion IOHO
In My Humble Opinion IMHO
ironic %-}
good grief! |-{
Kenny-southpark ( ((oo)) )
Kenny (dead) -southpark ( ((xx)) )
kiss * or :* or :-* or (:-* or :-x or :x
kisses =^*
kiss returned :**:
knight +<||-)
laugh (big laugh) |-D
laughing :-D
laughter /\/\/\
licking lips :-9 or :-?
loudmouth :( )
mad >:-<
mad, very mad ~ :-(
male O-> or 8- or :-
marge simpson @@@@:-)
monk +<:-|
my lips are sealed :-X or = X or :-#
no comment {}
no smoking :/i
nun +<:-|
pondering :-I
pig :@)
pope +O:-)
puckered up to kiss |-<> or :-><
punk =:-)
putting your money where your mouth is :>$
puzzlement :-k
priest +:-)
propellerhead %(|:-)
punched in the nose :+(
raised eyebrow `:-)
religious leader or person +<:-)
robot [:|] or [:]
Ronald Reagan 7:^)
rose @}->--
rose, long-stemmed @>--->---
sad : ( or (:-\ or : [
sad (very sad) :-<
salute m:-)
Santa Claus *<:-)
sarcasm :-]
screaming :-@
see no evil m-)
see no evil,hear no evil,speak no evil m-), :X, :-m
shocked #:-o or 8-o
shot to death *-)
shouting :-V
silly %-)
sleepy |( or |-(
smile : ) or (-:
smile, mischievous :-}
smile, one sided :-j or :-l
smile of happiness or sarcasm :->
smile with moustache :-{)
smile with moustache and beard :-{)}
smiley classic :-)
smiley variation (:-)
smiling blockhead :-]
smirk :-,
smoker :-p~ or :-d~
smoking :-Q~
snake ~~~~8} or ~~~~~8} or =====:}
sniffles :-\'|
snoring |^o
snuffed candle (ends a flame message) -=
speak no evil :-m
square head [:-]
sticking out tongue :-f or :p or :-p or :-p or :-r
surprised = O or :-O
tear :`-(
tear (of happiness) :\'-)
thinking about money $-)
this rocks \m/
to be or not to be 2B|^2B
toilet l,lO
tongue hanging out in disgust, or a smoker :-Q
tongue in cheek -) or :-J or :-?
tongue-tied :-&
unhappy :-c
unsmiley :-t or (:- or (:-(
unsmiling :-[
US Flag **==
wearing a walkman [:-)
weeping ;-(
what?! :-s
what? :>
what? :@
wide-eyed, wears glasses 8) or 8-)
wide-eyed surprised 8-|
wink ; )
wink with a raspberry ; p
winkey ;-)
winking and laughing ;-D
winky \') or \'-)
wizard -=#:-) or 8 :-)
wow! 8-]
worked late %-|
wry smile :-i or }-)
wry face :-/
yawn :-o or |-O
yuck >=^ p
yuck! 8-p
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